Friday, 20 September 2019

Within Me there is a child.

Within Me there is a child.

There is a child within me.

sitting in a room,

a room I have been exiled to,

exiled myself 

frightened, having been exiled, as I know what is to come
calm, having exiled myself, excluding the outside world

There is a child within me

walking besides me

in my shadow, is my shadow

There is a child within me

Walking besides me,

pursuing those rooms
Walking along a corridor
with rooms where the exiled subsist

 Within me there is a child


Monday, 18 March 2019

St Patrick's Day Parade Birmingham 2019


These photographs are published by Ted Ryan and Pauline Roche operating as RnR Organisation Ltd. 
They are published under an open licence, CC-BY-SA-4.0. 
RnR Organisation Ltd retains the ownership of the photograph, community groups and not for profit organisations can use the photographs in support of their activity acknowledging the original source. 
Commercial organisations and organisations that wish to use the photograph for publications that will be charged for should contact RnR Organisation - to discuss terms and cost of use.

Pauline Roche
Ted Ryan
March 2019


The Birmingham St Patrick's Day Parade started setting up at Camp Hill in Birmingham, as usual, on the morning of Sunday 17th March 2019...

...ready to head down to Digbeth 

The Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Cllr. Yvonne Mosquito and her consort, Winston Mosquito, came to say hello... 

 ...and have a look around.  

The Lord Mayor rode the Parade route, as the guest of honour, on the top of the bus at the front of the route

 West Midlands Mayor, Andy Street was also there.

Before the Parade sets off 

The Birmingham Irish Pipes and Drums warm up, musically.

 People wait to find their walking group or float... 

 ... and gather behind their banner 

St Patrick himself puts in an appearance


There are flags 


There are bands and musicians...

...who carry on playing even when the hail storm starts... 

 ...but they made it through to the end.  

Walking groups 

Colourful groups of walkers...

...some gathering together during the hail storm... 

almost a white Digbeth 

Birmingham Irish Heritage Group 

Birmingham Irish Heritage group carrying their seven flags of Ireland, from 13th - 20th centuries.

Banners, groups and counties

People walked proudly behind their banners, groups and counties. 

Sports groups

Some traditional sports groups walked, and some played... 

...others rode on floats... 

Safely sheltered from the hail storm 

...or on the back of a tractor... 

...or sat in vintage cars.

Willie Finnegan's Day 

A long time supporter of the Birmingham St Patrick's Day Parade, Willie Finnegan catches up with friends before the start - all is well

Driving an open tractor in a hail storm is not the most comfortable thing to be doing on a Sunday in Birmingham...  

...and Willie agrees... 

...cold, wet - a whole Parade ahead of him... 

...but he makes it to the end, and now Willie and Digbeth are all sunshine and smiles. 

Peaky Blinders

The Peaky Blinders turned up (and they let us take photographs of them in all their finery)

Watching the Parade

Some people just came to watch the Parade go by.

Transport on Parade

There were floats, trucks, scooters, tractors, vintage cars and horses, albeit a small one. 

And so the Birmingham St Patrick's Day Parade ended for another year - hope you enjoy our coverage. 

Support your Festival

If you want to help ensure the future of Birmingham St Patrick's Festival, visit the donations page or the get involved page. 

You can also contact the Festival organisers.

Previous Parades

For our coverage from previous year's Parades, visit our website.

Contact RnR Organisation