Sand, Sea and Sky
Sitting on the beach in Makry Gialos, Crete, over a three-year period, 2015-2017.watching the sea. Always the same place.
I started the water colours in 2015 to solve
a problem I’d been thinking about ever since I’d been to the Agnes Martin
exhibition at the Tate earlier in the year.
I’d seen her Arizona paintings and while I assumed
they were influenced by the landscape where she lived I kept asking myself, were
they abstract landscapes? Blues, yellows, pinks delineated in horizontal bands
across the canvass.
The pink bothered me, there was pink in her paintings, was there pink in the
bright sunny vast vivid colour wilderness of Arizona landscapes?
In my mind, never having been there, there
could be no pink so where did it come from in Martin’s paintings?
Then one day, sitting on the beach in Marky Gialos
looking out to sea there it was.
It wasn’t a bright Mediterranean blue day,
it was a slightly overcast, heavy, humid, southern Crete October day.
Pale grey clouds, grey seas and a pink hue, not
a vivid pink, a restrained pink, hanging delicately in the clouds.
Capturing these colours was another thing.
In the vastness of the sky settling down onto the sea how could you capture
such an image?
Martin's work provided a solution. The
delineation of her work provided a abstracting compartmentalisation of what I was seeing;
sand, where I sat,
sea at the end of the sand
Three horizontal bands of colour, delineated across the page.
Over the next three years I sat in the same
place, not always at the same time, painting the same three bands.
9th October |
9th October |
9th October |
11th October - Pink appears for the first time |
11th October |
11th October |
11th October |
12th October |
12th October |
26th Sept |
26th September |
26th September |
26th September |
no date given |
no date given |
no date given |
no date given |
no date given |
2nd September 14.00 |
2nd September 16.00 |
2nd September 16.40 |
all images ©ted ryan