Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Lisbon - Portuguese Trainspotting

Portuguese Trainspotting isn't just about the trains.

It's not just about those trains on the platform waiting to go.

or those coming in - yellow for regional trains 

red for local trains

of different shapes 

That come and go 

and come and go.

It isn't just about the's sometimes about the stations. 

Large, arch-encased concourses,with shops 

and pathways, 


and platforms 

covered by a webbed roof, supported by pillars 

so the trains can stop and go

But at night the roof, the platform, is transformed. 

Trains still come and go... 

...people still wait, but now under an illuminated web, illuminated pillars 

 People wait 

or they dance, in the ticket area 

with others 

watched by those 

on their way to the platform to wait for a train.